Category: What’s New

How Do I Renew My Membership?

After clicking the link, it will redirect you to log in with your Washington D.C. Chapter Account (This may be different from your National Account). Please use the “Lost your password” feature, located below the log-in fields, if you can’t recover your password. You can contact the Membership Committee Chair with the information below for any assistance…
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Hot Off the Press

Happy Juneteenth!

June 19th marks a day of recognition, restoration, and celebration of Juneteenth Day, a national holiday. This day commemorates the day that slavery ended in the U.S. As we are reminded of this victory over slavery, it allows us to come together, in solidarity, to fight discrimination, racism, and bigotry, bringing forth equality, participation, growth,…
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Chapter Nominations, LPD, and Other Highlights

Fellow DC Chapter ROCKS, The Washington, DC Chapter of the ROCKS, Inc. will be holding elections at the May 20, 2021 meeting. The Chapter is seeking nominations for the following Executive Board Officers (see enclosure for more details about the positon): Position Incumbent Nominee Vice President, Operations CPT Karen Stapleton 1) Nominee______________ 2) Nominee______________ Vice President,…
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Scholarship Flyer

Looking for a Scholarship for your Student

Dear Chapter Members The purpose of this letter is to advise you of the details for the Washington, DC Chapter of The ROCKS, Inc., 2021 R.C. Cartwright Scholarship Program. The ROCKS, Inc. was founded in 1974 with one of its goals being to provide professional interactions with ROTC Cadets, and scholarship assistance to high school…
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COVID Assistance Flyer

Job Fair and COVID-19 Assistance

You are invited to participate in the Friday, April 23 Virtual Military-Friendly Job Fair and interview with 23 companies and government agencies seeking to hire transitioning service members and veterans across all ranks/ratings and branches of service. The updated list of companies registered to date is shown below. By visiting the April 23 Virtual Job…
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