Major General Hamilton enlisted in the U.S. Army from Houston, Texas. Upon completion of basic and individual training, he was assigned to Fort Hood, Texas. In 1988, he graduated from Officer Candidate School as the Distinguished Military Graduate and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Quartermaster Corps. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Virginia State University and Masters’ Degrees in Public Administration from Central Michigan University and Military Studies from Marine Corps University. He is also a graduate of a Senior Service College Fellowship—Secretary of Defense Corporate Fellows Program.
Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, G3, HQ AMC since 29 June 2020. Hamilton’s previous assignments include duties as Commander of the 8th Theater Sustainment Command, the Chief Logistics Officer for United States Forces Korea and the Commander of Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Penn. He also worked as the Executive Officer to the Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics at the Pentagon, as an Assignment Officer in the Logistics Branch in the Office of the Army Chief of Staff and as the Executive Officer to the Vice Director, Defense Logistics Agency.
On three separate occasions Hamilton held commands in Afghanistan in support of OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM. In 2004, he was Commander, Defense Logistics Agency Contingency Support Team-Afghanistan, and in 2010-11, he was Commander, United States Forces-Afghanistan Support South/Southwest. During his most recent tour, in 2013-2014, he was the commander of the 101st Sustainment Brigade, 101st Airborne Division.
Major General Hamilton’s awards include the Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit (2nd Awd), Bronze Star Medal (2nd Awd), Defense Meritorious Service Medal (3rd Awd), Meritorious Service Medal (9th Awd), Joint Service Commendation Medal (2nd Award), Army Commendation Medal (3rd Awd), Joint Service Achievement Medal, Army Achievement Medal (7th Awd), Good Conduct Medal (2nd Awd) and OEF Campaign Awards. He has also been awarded the Combat Action Badge, Parachutist Badge, Parachute Rigger Badge, Air Assault Badge, Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge and the Army Staff Identification Badge.