Mr. Anselm A. Beach, SES

Anselm A. Beach Headshot

Mr. Anselm A. Beach, SES

Mr. Anselm A. Beach assumed duties of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army – Equity and Inclusion Agency on 10 November 2019. He serves as the Secretary of the Army’s designated proponent for Diversity and Inclusion, Civil Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity, Military Equal Opportunity, Career Program, and Policy and oversight of Army Command Programs. Mr. Beach directs the daily operation and execution of one the most comprehensive complaints adjudication process, proactive management and prevention programs within the Federal government.

Mr. Beach previously served as the Acting Executive Director, Privacy and Diversity Office, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security. In this Senior Executive Service position; he served as a principal advisor to the Commissioner on highly sensitive and complex workforce issues, and led five divisions:Diversity and Equal Employment Opportunity Division, Privacy, Freedom of Information Act Division, Custody Support and Compliance Division, and Mission Support Division to serve over 60,000 employees.


  • Fellow, 2018-2019 White House Leadership Development Program, Executive Office of the President, Federal Infrastructure Permitting Improvement Steering Committee
  • Director, Diversity and Equal Employment Opportunity Division, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security
  • Lead Equal Employment Opportunity Officer, Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Integrated Service Network 5
  • Chief of Diversity and Equal Employment Opportunity Office, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Washington, DC


Master of Science in Operations Management, University of Arkansas

Bachelor of Science in Management, University of Maryland, University College


  • Army Leadership, Excellence, and Development (LEAD), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Kenan-Flager Business School, October 2020
  • Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program, Department of Homeland Security
  • Key Executive Leadership Program, American University
  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection Leadership Institute, Smith School of Business, University of Maryland
  • Health Care Leadership Institute, Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Training and Human Resources Development, University of Georgia
  • Equal Opportunity Advisors Course, Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute


  • Superior Civilian Service Medal
  • Edgar Schein Award for Best Student Presentation at the International Society for Organizational Development and Change 2020 Conference
  • Secretary of Veterans Affairs Alternative Dispute Resolution Excellence Award 2013

All Events Of Mr. Anselm A. Beach, SES