Book Club

The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson (Focus:  Diversity – African American Experience)

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The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker (Focus: CEO Mindset)

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One Small Step Can Change Your Like by Rick Maurer (Focus: Overcoming fear associated with major change using Kaizen approach)

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Essentialism by Greg McKeown (Focus: Prioritizing the Most Important thing)

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Can’t Hurt me now by David Goggins (Focus: Developing a Grit Mindset)

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The Upside of Stress by Kelly McGonigal

(Focus: Adopting a “Stress is Enhancing” Mindset)

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Decisive by Chip Heath & Dan Heath (Focus: Strategies for making significant decisions)

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The Code of the Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani (Focus: Goal Setting Strategy)

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So Good they Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport

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Mastery by Robert Greene (Focus: Attaining mastery to become irreplaceable)

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High Performance Habits by Brendon Bruchard

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Performing Under Pressure by Hendrie Weisinger and J. P. PawliwFry

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10-Minute Toughness by Jason Selk (Focus: Developing Mental Toughness + Confidence)

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Rework by Jason Fried (Focus: Start Up Business Strategy)

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Zero to One by Peter Thiel (Focus: Start UP Business Strategy)

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Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne (Focus: Start UP Business Strategy)

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The Lean Startup by Eric Ries (Focus: Start-Up Business Strategy)

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Good to Great by Jim Collins

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The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber (Focus: Business Strategy)

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