To renew online follow these steps:
Click Here For a YouTube Video Tutorial
After clicking the link, it will redirect you to log in with your Washington D.C. Chapter Account. Please use the “Lost your password” feature, located below the log-in fields, if you can’t recover your password.
After logging into the Chapter Website, you will be brought to your Membership Subscription. Scroll down to the table labeled “Action” and click the button “Add Payment.”
You will be redirected to a page that breaks down how our memberships will be charged. On this page scroll to the bottom to enter your payment information, then click “Add Payment Method.” If you would like to mail in checks, please email our Membership Committee Chair with the information below.
Once the payment method is added, your membership will automatically renew on its own. You may turn off auto-renew using the toggle, but you will have to log in every year to manually pay your membership.
If you have any questions about the membership process or your account, please contact the Membership Committee Chair:
Tracy Bellamy
Phone: 404-451-2699